Month三月 2013


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Yeelight 是一个初创团队,对于yeelight这样的技术型团队来说,最难的并非硬件和技术上的实现,而是如何开发一款能够真正满足客户需求的产品,因此,我们热切 期待您能够加入到我们的团队,成为我们的首席体验师,让我们听到您的声音,给我们的产品提出更多更有意思的创意和您的意见建议,帮助我们一起来完善 yeelight系统。

About yeelight team

We formerly worked at multinational corporation in telecommunication, household electrical appliances and internet. At May 2012, we founded Yeelink, and started the first open platform for Internet of Things in China. At September the same year, we started the R&D of Yeelight. We accepted the investment from HAXLR8R at the beginning of year 2013, then released our platform and first generation of Yeelight at San Fransico. Now we are improving Yeelight continuly, as you know in manufacturing, in communications, in promoting, and so on.